Dr. Nandini Mishra

Room No. - ,
Department of Philosophy.



Dr. Mishra holds the post of Assistant professor in Department of philosophy, Ravenshaw University.She has more than 10 years of teaching experience in this University.She has completed her M.A (1995) and MPhil  (1997) in Utkal  University.  She got her Ph.D.  from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam with the support of ICPR , JRF in 2009. She has many publications in different journals and chapter in edited  books.  Her area of interest in research field is basically in Indian Philosophy and Upanisadic Philosophy.

Selected Publications

  1. Existential Crisis in Covit-19 and Posthuman Future: A New Venture, Keanean  Journal of Arts,  Vol.8, May 2021,p.48-51,ISSN 2348-1110,Shillong, Meghalay.
  2. Covid-19 : History, Challenges and Future actions,Keanean Journal of Arts,vol.7, November 202 0,ISSN 2348-1110, Shillong, Meghalay.
  3. Consequentialist ic approach of Buddhist Ethics ,Journal of Philosophy, June 2019,
  4. Biomedical Ethics, March 2019, Research journal of Philosophy, UGC approved journal.
  5. Relevance of the Upanisad Message : Tuto na Vijigupsate”, in a peer review International Journal, “Research Journal of Philosophy and Social Science”, Vol. 44, No. 1, April special issue 2018, ISSN : (P) 0048-7325 (E) 2454-7026, ICRAJIFR Impact Factor-4.0012, UGC approved Journal No. 47384.