Research Facility

Research and Consultancy at Department of Business Administration, Ravenshaw University go hand in hand along with teaching to management graduates in the department. This enriches practical knowledge for our faculty members to take into class rooms while teaching. Department has got faculty members from diversified specialisation in various fields with industry backgrounds.

Though Department of Business Administration is a relatively new department to provide consultancy, yet it has created a mark for itself in various consulting activities. Faculty members of Department of Business Administration are engaged with various multilateral agencies, government agencies and industries as consultants. Our faculty members have been consultants to organizations such as CRRI, OSFC, MSME etc.. They have also worked as consultants to various government agencies and departments including the

The core training and consulting expertise of the faculty members lie in areas of SPSS, Research Ethics, Information System, Leadership, Union-Management, Conflict Resolution, Branding B-Schools and Organizations, Executive Coaching, Talent Management & Retention, HR Policy, Employee satisfaction, Enhancing Quality of Work Life, Training Effectiveness


  1. To prepare and regularly update the research agenda of the department outlining the preferred focus areas and priorities of research activities to be supported.
  2. To identify and inform researchers about the appropriate research opportunities announced by different academic, research, industry or government organisations.
  3. To promote interdisciplinary research and establish modalities for preparing and undertaking joint research projects covering more than one knowledge domain as well as policies for involving external agencies/experts in such projects
  4. To define an enabling framework for researchers to obtain sponsorships for research projects
  5. To develop and promote linkages with the ICSSR, UGC and similar organisations and enable all the researchers to benefit from the activities and programmes
  6. To identify and establish linkages including MOUs for long term relationships with national and international research organisations for widening the scope of research opportunities and funding options available to the teachers and students of the college.
  7. To identify and create opportunities for teachers and students of the university to involve themselves in real-life research projects and obtaining sponsorships
  8. To encourage and facilitate the publication of the research work/projects in reputed academic journals
  9. To publish an interdisciplinary Journal & edited books.
  10. To conduct Academic Writing & Research Methodology workshops from time to time to update the research scholars and faculty members
  11. To provide opportunities to the students, CFR rolls out programmes like CFR for Students to enhance the research capability of students. The Centre aims to help the students convert their SIP or Academic Dissertation into research papers and also to help them participate and present their papers in conferences & project competitions.