OB &Counselling and Guidance

Mr. Raja Kishor Prusty

Room No. - NA
Department of Psychology



Mr. Raja Kishor Prusty,  Assistant Professor of Psychology. His area of specialization is in teaching Counselling Psychology, Psychological Statistics, Research Methodology and learning psychology. He is an experienced HIV/ AIDS counselor and along with research experience. He has attended no. of conferences, seminars and refresher training programmes.His pre-PhD course work was completed from Utkal University, Vani Vihar. He has worked as ad-hoc lecturer in the   Department of Psychology, Panchayat college, Bargarh. Currently he is perusing Mental health services across the globe and giving much importance to the utility of psychology in everyday life. 

Selected Publications

  1. Self-concept of deaf adolescent girls” Published in IJMDRR, ISSN: 2395-1877, April, 2016.
  2. Peoples’ attitude towards transgender mainstreaming in the festivals of western Odisha. Published in  September 2011.
  3. Effect of Sambalpuri Dance on Academic Stress of College Girls, Published in ICSSR Proceeding,ISSN:2349-5162, September 2018
  4. Scientific Aptitude Profile and career Selection among higher Secondary science Students, Published in IFPEFSSA,ISSN:2231-3265, October 2019