Applied Geography -PG:
- History of the Indian Caste System and its Impact on India Today.pdf
- Tribes in India.pdf
- Unity in diversity in India.pdf
- Religious_ Diversity in India.pdf
- Languages in India.pdf
- Breger, G. E. 1967 – The concept and causes of urban blight.pdf
- Socio-Cultural Stratification of India.pdf
- sanskritization, moderization werternization.pdf
- Feminism in geography.pdf
- dickerson46.pdf
- Definition and concept of tribes.pdf
Applied Geography -PG 2nd Year :
- Regional disparities in India.pdf
- G. Myrdal, Economic Theory and Underdeveloped Regions.pdf
- Inclusive Growth.pdf
- measures of development.pdf
- Indicators and measures of development.pdf
- Input Output.pdf
- Input Output Model.pdf
- Planning in India.pdf
- Regional development.pdf
- Growth vs. development and concept of Underdevelopment.pdf
- Economic Base Theory.pdf
- National Income Concepts.pdf
- Inequality.pdf
- Objectives and strategies of planning.pdf
- Regional Multiplier Model.pdf
- Regional Multiplier.pdf
- Regional Development Theory.pdf
- Human Development.pdf
- Regional Multiplier A Critique.pdf