He holds the position of Assistant Professor at the School of Commerce. He has more than eight years of teaching, three years of industry and three years of research experience in the field of Commerce. He has one text book and seventeen research papers in peer review UGC listed journals to his credit. He has received his Ph.D from the Department of Commerce, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack in the year 2017. His doctoral research work is based on the Development and Sustainability of Entrepreneurship among Scheduled Tribes. He is interested to study the socio-economic status of the unprivileged sections of the society particularly the women and the Scheduled Tribes and make them employable through the promotion of entrepreneurship.
Now his research group is involved in the study of Micro Finance, Self Help Groups(SHGs), MSMEs and Entrepreneurship.His group is giving more focus on the awareness and knowledge of rural people on entrepreneurship, schemes and programmes of the government to boost entrepreneurship, factors motivating people to become entrepreneurs, major problems encountered by entrepreneurs and the impact of entrepreneurship on the socio-economic conditions of entrepreneurs.