Department of Psychology

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The Department of Psychology was founded in the then Ravenshaw College by Prof. Radhanath Rath in July, 1953 with the creation of an Honours course in Odisha followed by the creation of a PG Department of Psychology in 1958 which was later shifted to Utkal University. The Department of Psychology , thus, was the first Psychology Department founded in the state of Odisha. Prior to it, Psychology was taught as a paper in Philosophy and Late Dr. Damodar Mishra and Dr. R. Rath were teaching that paper. Dr. Rath, originally a man of Philosophy got his Ph.D. from London University in experimental Psychology in 1949. The Post Graduate classes in the Department again started in November 1994. Currently the Department runs UG (Honours&Elective), P.G., M.Phil., and Ph.D. programmes .


To be a renowned centre of excellence in psychology education, research, and practice, dedicated to advancing the understanding of the human mind and behavior, fostering well-being, and contributing to the betterment of society.


Our mission is to educate, research, and apply psychology to enhance well-being, promote diversity, and serve our community with ethics and excellence.

Maharaj K. C. Bhanj Deo

The Department of Chemistry was initially named as Mayurbhanj Chemical Laboratory. The red building with Victorian architecture, which houses the department still carries this name engraved on it. The Maharaja of the then princely state of Mayurbhanj, Sri Krushna Chandra Bhanja Deo, has generously contributed for the establishment of the laboratory.


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The department has an active alumni group, which supports the department in every aspect. To maintain a close relation with your alma mater please register in the following link.

Students Gallery

The department has produced generations of chemists and we are privileged to have an active alumni group, which supports the department in every aspect.