Corrigendum Notice for Cleaning and Sanitation Tender activities Advertisement for temporary engagement of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a Core Research Project funded by ANRF–SERB, Government of India, under the supervision of Dr. Khirod Kumar Sahoo, Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Last Date- 10/01/2025 Advertisement of project fellow NOTICE FOR MBA 3rd ODD SEMESTER EXAMINATION PROGRAMME -2024(R & B) NOTICE FOR MBA 3rd ODD SEMESTER EXAMINATION PROGRAMME -2024(R & B) Corrigendum Notice for supply of Computer and online UPS-11.11.2024 Extension of Deadline for Abstract Submissions for International Conference of Department of English NOTICE FOR UG (3rd , 5th & 7th) and PG 3rd ODD SEMESTER EXAMINATION PROGRAMME -2024(R & B) NOTICE FOR UG (3rd, 5th & 7th ) and PG 3rd SEMESTER EXAMINATION FORM FILL UP-2024(R & B) PG HOSTEL 3rd LIST-3 Partial Modification Vigilance Awareness Week 2024. Notice for Vigilance Awareness Week 2024 Link for Issue of Identity Card for PG 1st year students Notice for Readmission Engagement of Guest faculty Issue of Identity Card for PG 1st year students UG MODEL REGULATIONS- 2019-20(CBCS) PG PHASE-I WAITING LIST ADMISSION 2024 PG HOSTEL 2nd LIST World Tourism Day Provisional Hostel List PG 1st year UG PHASE-II WAITING LIST ADMISSION 2024_18.09.2024&19.09.2024 Inter College Competition CALL FOR PAPERS for International Conference, Department of English Auction Notice Youth Skills Training-Odisha Skill development Authority Notice for Registration of students under the banner of Ravenshaw PRIDE Advertisement for posting of retired Medical officer and paramedical staff-12.09.2024 Notice for Screening Test Re-admission UG & PG payment online link 2024 Readmission Notice-2024 Anti-Ragging Committee Member Anti-Ragging Competition 2024 PG Prospectus 2024-25 Notice for National Space Day UG 1st Year ITM & BCA Hostel List Notice for online registartion for TCS BPS NQT hiring – 2025 pass out. Corrigendum to British Library project hiring notice Notice Notice British Library EAP1616 advertisement notice for hiring-details Advertisement of Project Fellow in Department of Chemistry Notice for Anti-Ragging Week Workshop on new criminal law Anti-Ragging Day Prajnana Mission Notice Notice for UG 1st & 2nd Year Elective & Isssue of ID Card Like for UG 1st & 2nd Year Elective & Isssue of ID Card UG Hostel Form UG 1st Year Arts list ITM Admission Venue UG PHASE-I WAITING LIST ADMISSION 2024UG 1st Year Commerce list UG 1st Year Science list Commencement of UG 1st Year Classes Time table and commencement of UG 1st year classes Notice for UG 2nd Yr. Elective Anti-Ragging Squad Anti-Ragging Committee Notice for Accenture India online registration Hostel Readmission NOTICE FOR PG FINAL RESULT CERTIFICATE DISTRIBUTION-2024 Merit list of admission in PG Certificate Course NOTICE FOR SPECIAL BACK EXAMINATION-2024 Notice for Mettle Meet 2024 Corrigendum Notice NOTICE FOR RE-CHECKING OF MARKS OF UG 6TH SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS,2024 RE-ADDITION OF MARKS UG FIRST & PG FIRST -2023 Provisionally Hostel Selection List PG 2nd Year and UG 2nd & 3rd Year 2024-25 PG FINAL RESULT-2024 NOTICE FOR UG FINAL RESULT CERTIFICATE DISTRIBUTION-2024 NOTICE FOR UG FINAL RESULT CERTIFICATE DISTRIBUTION-2024 REVISED NOTICE FOR PG 2nd SEMESTER EXAMINATION PROGRAMME -2024(R&B) UG Final Result Notification- 2024 UG Final Result Statistical Data-2024 Advertisement for Project Fellow Department of Chemistry Hostel Application UG(2022-2023 & 2023-2024) & PG (2023-2024) Psychology-Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Sanskrit-Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) English-Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Geology-Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Sociology-Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Political Science-Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Geography-Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Education-Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Notice of Eligible and ineligible bidders of RFP Physics-Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Notice of Eligible and ineligible bidders of RFP Chemistry-Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Economics-Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Zoology-Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) History-Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Hindi-Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Botany–Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Computer Science–Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Commerce–Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Ph.D Hostel List 2nd Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Engagement of Retired Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Adjacent Professors/Professor of Emeritus/Professor of Practice/Distinguished Faculties/Guest Faculties(Assistant Professors) Ph.D Hostel List Ph.D Hostel Form NOTICE FOR UG & PG SPECIAL BACK SEMESTER EXAMINATION FORM FILL UP-2024 REVISED NOTICE FOR UG ( 2nd & 4th) and PG 2nd SEMESTER EXAMINATION PROGRAMME -2024 (R&B) Corrigendum Notice of Request for proposal-03.04.2024 NOTICE FOR RE-CHECKING OF ANSWER SCRIPTS OF UG 5th & PG 3rd SEMESTER 2023 Provisionally selected for admission into Ph. D Programme-2023-24 Provisionally for Ph. D Admission Programme-2023 Corrigendum-I Corrigendum-II ICSSR PROJECT ON LIGHTNING Provisional Ph. D Admission Merit list 2023 Financial Assistance to Visually-Disabled Teachers-regarding. Seeking data/information related to SC/ST/OBC/PwD/Minorities etc. Request for Proposal Advertisement for ICSSR MRP Assistant and Field Investigator in Department of Commerce Provisional Hostel list for Accommodation in Mahanadi Campus Office Order regarding HOD in Department of English Guest and Visiting Faculty Advertisement The date of interview for Ph. D Admission-2023 is 12.03.2024 at 10.30 A.M. in the respective Departments. Ph.D Shortlisted Candidates for the session 2023-24Provisional Hostel Selection List UG Provisional Hostel Selection List PG first yearPotential student List for NUA-O Scholarship PGResult of “Biswa Odia Bhasa Sammilani” Corregendum Notice for extended for online Ph. D application Online Ph. D application for the session 2023-24. Notice for Equivalence UG 1st Year Examination Rescheduling 10 Days Research Methodology Course for PhD Scholars in Social Science Rescheduled_UG & PG 1st sem Exam_30.01.2024 Registration Form Link 10 days Research Methodology Course for PhD Scholars in Social Science Tender Call Notice NuA-O Sahitya Pratiyogita Reschedule Exam_UG 1st Sem_27.01.2024 Advertisement for Recruitment of Research Associate and Field Investigators for ICSSR Minor Research Project, Department of Sociology Notice for Family Pension Upon In-service Death PROVISIONAL PG 5th Girls HOSTEL SELECTION LIST 2023-24 Advertisement for Research Assistant in the Design and Innovation Center, Department of Philosophy Income Tax Calculation Details for the Financial Year 2023-24 UG 1st Sem_Form Fill Up_2023 PG & CCH 1st Sem_Form Fill Up_2023 PROVISIONAL UG 5TH BOYS HOSTEL LIST PROVISIONAL PG 4TH BOYS HOSTEL SELECTION LIST MAIN CAMPUS EXAMINATION PROGRAMME 2023-24 MAHANADI CAMPUS EXAMINATION PROGRAMME 2023-24 Notice for elocution competition Advertisement of Walk-in Interview of JRF in SERB-SURE Sponsored Project Department of Geology Form fill up for PG 3rd Semester Examination- 2023(R&B) PG PHASE-III WAITING LIST ADMISSION 2023 UG PHASE-III WAITING LIST ADMISSION 2023 Form Fillup for UG 3rd, 5th and 7th Semester Examination 2023(R & B) National Conference of Orissa Chemical Society and National Conference on Molecules to Materials Ravenshaw brochure National Conference of Orissa Chemical Society and National Conference on Molecules to Materials Ravenshaw University REGISTRATION FORM EXAMINATION SCHEDULE FOR PG 1st & 3rd SEMESTER (R&B) EXAM-2023 EXAMINATION SCHEDULE FOR UG 1st,3rd,5th & 7th SEM (R&B) EXAM-2023 ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROJECT ASISTANT DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Hostel Rules SOP 2022-23 PROVISIONAL UG 4th BOYS HOSTEL SELECTION LIST 2023-24 PG Final Degree Examination Topper List (Subject Wise)- 2023 VC-Students interaction meeting Orienation Program for UG and PG admission batch-2023-24 PROVISIONAL UG 5th Girls HOSTEL SELECTION LIST 2023-24 PROVISIONAL UG & PG 4th Girls HOSTEL SELECTION LIST 2023-24 Re-admission Notice NOTICE FOR RE-CHECKING OF MARKS OF UG 4TH (REGULAR & PROFESSIONAL) EXAM, 2023 PROVISIONAL UG & PG 3rd HOSTEL SELECTION LIST 2023-24 Notice PG PHASE-II WAITING LIST ADMISSION 2023 UG PHASE-II WAITING LIST ADMISSION 2023 Examination Programme of MPH PG 2nd Sem, 2023 Form Fill Up for Executive MPH 2nd Semester (Regular) Exam, 2023 PROVISIONAL UG & PG 2nd PwD HOSTEL SELECTION LIST 2023-24 Odisha Research Conclave 2023 PROVISIONAL PG 2nd HOSTEL SELECTION LIST 2023 Notice for Ganesh Chaturthi 5th state level Geeta Chanting Competition Notice for State Level Symposium Notice Regarding Inauguration of Mahanadi Campus of Ravenshaw University Pre-Ph.D Examination Result Notification -2023 PROVISIONAL UG 2ND HOSTEL SELECTION LIST 2023-24 UG 1St & 2nd Years Elective-2023-24 PG Merit List-2023 Eloquence Competition Readmission notice 2023-24 Readmission Payment Link UG PROVISIONAL LIST OF B.Sc. B.Ed.(3rd), B.A. B.Ed.(3rd), B.Sc. IST/ITM(4th) and BBA(4th) CANDIDATES SELECTED FOR COUNSELLING-CUM CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION & PROVISIONAL ADMISSION-2023-24 Advertisement for Project Fellow in Department of Chemistry Advertisement for Guest & Visiting faculty PROVISIONAL PG 1ST HOSTEL SELECTION LIST 2023 PG Hostel Admission form Commencement of UG 2nd, 3rd & 5th Yr. Classes 3rd Year UG Arts Timetable 2023-24 3rd Year UG Science Timetable 2023-24 2nd Year UG Timetable 2023-24 Provisional UG 1st yr. Pwd students Hostel List Notice for UG 1st & 2nd Yr. Elective Link for UG 1st and 2nd Year Generic Elective Link for Issuing of Identity Card for the session 2023-24 Notice for Issuing of Identity Card for the session 2023-24 Provisional UG 1st SELECTION HOSTEL LIST UG HOSTEL ADMISSION FORM 1st Year UG Timetable and commensement of classes Advertisement for Research Assistant in Department of Political science Advertisement for Research Assistant and Field Investigator in Economics Department ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROJECT FELLOW DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Students Grievance Redressal Committee Provisional Merit List for Admission into PG Certificate course in Computational Humanities 2023-24 Notice for Rechecking of Marks PG 1st Semester National Online Essay Competition Organised by CAG, Govt. of India Provisional List of Candidates Selected for 2nd Counselling BBA Provisional List of Candidates Selected for 2nd Counselling BSc. IST/ITM Applicants Invited for the Post of Project Assistant in the Department of Chemistry All Hostel Readmission notice NOTICE FOR UG & PG 2nd EVEN SEMESTER EXAMINATION FORM FILL UP-2023 NOTICE FOR UG & PG 2ND SEMESTER EXAMINATION PROGRAME -2023 Notice for Rechecking of Marks of PG 4th Sem Notice for Rechecking of Marks of PG 4th Sem Notice for postponement of UG 4th semester Examination on 26/07/2023 Engagement of Temporary Faculty in B. Ed. Programme 1st Provisional Counselling list for UG ( IST / ITM/ BBA / BA B.Ed / B.Sc. B.Ed) admission 2023 with Date of Reporting. Provisional Merit list for UG ( IST / ITM/ BBA / BA B.Ed / B.Sc. B.Ed) admission 2023 Advertisement of Project Assistant in Department of Mathematics UG 1st and 6th Sem Rechecking-2023 Notice for Provisional Pass Certificate PG 2023 PG Examination Result -2023 (Provisional Notification, Phase – I) Notice for canteen hostel mess and shop at mahanadi campus Notice for Last Date of Online Application of Professional Courses UG 2nd & 3rd year Hostel list UG PROVISIONAL NOTIFICATION-2023 UG RESULT-2023 Corrigendum Notice for EV-IV Rescheduling of U(B.A. B.Ed.-Bsc. B.Ed.) 4th Semester (R & B) Exam-2023 Revised UG 4th Semester Examination(R & B) -2023 Schedule for BBA Rescheduling of UG 4th Sem (R&B) Exam-2023 Revised UG 4th Sem Exam-2023(R&B)DSM-ITM-IST PG 2nd Year Hostel List Link for Online Collection of Fees Notice for Collection online Fees U.G. Admission Form link-2023-24 UGAdmission-Prospectus-2023-24PG Information Brochure 2023-24 Request for Quotation for installation of Bio-Gas at RavenshawForm-Fillup for Ph.D. course work examination 2022-23Advertisement for Research Assistant, Department of CommerceHostel Application LinkHostel Application NoticeUG 4th semester back rescheduledRavenshaw_Botany_Hydroponics Workshop _BrochureQuotation for supply of food in 12th Convocation 2023Notice for Rajib GandhiPH.D AWARDEE FROM 01-01-23 TO 20-04-23Advertisement Project Assistant StatisticsReschedule: special back form fill-up fine dateRevised Notice for UG 4th Sem (Regular) Form fillup-2023Extension of Quotation for supply of Gold Plated Silver MedalsNotice for Extraordinary AchieversNotice for G20Result of G-20 Presidency Lecture Competition, 2023SEPCIAL BACK-2023NOTICE FOR RE-CHECKING OF MARKS UG 3rd SEMESTERAdvertisement of a project assistant funded by OSHEC under OURIIP in dept of MathematicsQUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF GOLD PLATED SILVER MEDALS FOR RAVENSHAWEXAM SCHEDULE FOR UG 4TH SEM REGULARFORM FILL UP NOTICE FOR UG 6TH, 8TH & PG 4TH SEM (R & B) EXAM, 2023REVISED EXAMINATION SCHEDULE UG 6TH(R & B), UG 4TH(BACK) & UG 2ND(BACK) EXAM, 2023Notice for G-20 Essay, Debate,Quiz & Poster CompetitionsEven Semester Exam ScheduleRe-Checking of MarksNotice for AEC-IIForm for Anticipatory Income Statement for the Financial Year 2023-24ICSSR Sponsored Two Week Capacity Building Programme for Young Social Science Faculty Members (Last date of Registration: 17th April 2023)Registration Link: Fellow advertisement in Department of zoologyTENDER FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OF AIR CONDITIONERS OF RAVENSHAWNotice for online collection of feesAdvertisement for Project Assistant Department of EconomicsTender for supply of Lab Equipments proton exchange membrane fuel cell and accessoriesTender for supply of Lab Equipments high temperature furnace and accessoriesRevised date for PG 1st year ExaminationExamination Schedule for PG 1st & UG 1st Sem-2022-23Notice for TedxNotice for Ravenshaw University Film Festival 2023Form Fill up Notice for UG 1st Sem Exam – 2022-23Form fill up for PG 1st Sem Regular and Professional Courses- 2022-23Borasambar Senapati Final Round Result3Extension of Tender Call Notice No. 515 Dt. 15.02.2023Preliminary round result for Borasamber Senapati Debate PG,UG GOLD MEDAL & UG BEST GRADUATE-2022Ph.D AWARDEE FROM 10.01.2022 TO 31.12.2022 QUOTATION INVITING FOR THE VIDEOGRAPHY COVERAGE OF ACTIVITIES Notice for Career Counselling WorkshopNotice for Borasamber Senapati DebateAdvertisement of JRF Position Department of ChemistryUG 4th HOSTEL SELECTIONNotice for Basanta PanchamiANVESHAN Student Research Convention 2023PG 1st Year 4th Hostel SelectionPh.D 2nd Hostel SelectionNotice for GloryfestStatement of Income Tax for the Financial Year 2022-2023Advertisement for JRF in BRNS sponsored projectNotice for SECC-I Semester ExaminationUG_PHASE-IV_SELECTION LIST(FOR WAITLISTED CANDIDATES)Ravenshaw Radio painting competition on 20th December 2022.PG 1st year 3rd selection Hostel listNOTICE FOR UG 3rd,5th & PG 3rd SEMESTER EXAMINATION FORM FILL UP-2022(R&B)NOTICE FOR UG (3rd & 5th) and PG 3rd SEMESTER EXAMINATION PROGRAMME -2022-23Notice for Odia Kabita RecitationUG 1st year 3rd Selection Hostel listPh.D 2nd & 3rd year Hostel Selection NoticePh.D 1st year Hostel Selection list7th edition of Ravenshaw University Model United Nations (RUMUN) 2022PHD-2nd-selection-2022-23HOCKEY RESULTSRavenshaw Literature Club’s Orientation LectureVenue of the Ph. D Admission-2022-23Engagement of Guest & Visiting FacultyLink for Issue of Identity CardNotice for Issue of Identity CardNational Workshop on Basics of Indian Epigraphy and PalaeographyUG_PHASE-III_SELECTION LIST(FOR WAITLISTED CANDIDATES)PHD-SELECTION- FOR THE SESSION-2022-23Notice of Postponed for Ph. D Admission-2022-23Notice for PG Spot-II AdmissionPh.D Hostel Application Form and NoticeTHIRD SELECTION MERIT LIST FOR ADMISSION INTO VARIOUS PG PROGRAMMES Revised notice for Hocky World Cup