Vision, Mission & Objective


Economics as a subject has considerable impact on our everyday lives and also on other disciplines. The department has prepared a vision-2030 document. Keeping the vision in the forefront, the faculty members and students of the department are  striving hard with commitment and determination to be recognizes department of excellence at the national level.

Vision: 2030

  1. To set up Centre for Natural Resource Management and Centre for Agrarian Studies
  2. To start career oriented new study programmes in Natural Resource Management, Common Property Resource Management and Forest Management
  3. To start elective courses in Gender Studies, Health Economics and International Finance
  4. To establish a computer laboratory for quantitative data analysis
  5. To undertake research projects sponsored by different funding agencies like UGC, ICSSR, ICAR, Planning Commission, Ministries of Govt. of India, and international funding agencies like World Bank, UNDP, DFID, ILO, Ford Foundation etc.
  6. The department aims to be a Centre for Advance Study (CAS) under UGC-SAP programme.


The mission of the Economics Department at Ravenshaw University is to impart high quality undergraduate and postgraduate teaching coupled with cutting edge research activity. The departments thrust is to make the students engaged in analytical and applied economics tools and try to implement them in everyday lives and solve crucial socio-economic issues and challenges ahead.


The primary objective of the Department is to provide higher education, training, consultancy and research facilities in Economics in Odisha. The department strives to upgrade the research facilities for both scholars as well as faculties for better collaborations with industry and academia.