Association of Ravenshaw Economics Alumni

In order to make the Department of Economics a leading centre for teaching and research in the country, an initiative was taken at the behest of the present faculty to seek the  cooperation of alumni, and the Association of Ravenshaw Economics Alumni- AREAwas formed on 6th April 2014.


Dr. Aurobindo Behera


Prof. Satyakam Mishra

Vice President

Dr. Dharmabrata Mohapatra

HOD, Vice President, ex officio

Dr. Chittaranjan Nayak


Dr. Lipishree Das


Dr. Santosh Ku. Mohapatra

Jt. Secretary

Executive Members :

Prof. Radhamohan Mallik

Prof. BimalKinkar Mohanty

Prof. Surendra Nath Behera

Dr. Padmaja Pandit

Mr. Akshaya Kumar Das


  • With a view to structure a developmental agenda in which everyone will have a space to contribute, the association organizes annual alumni meet. The 5th Alumni Meet was organised on 11/11/2018. Past students, past and present faculty members, research scholars do participate in such meets quite heartily.
  • 5th Alumni Meet on 11-11-2018 dais a& audience. L/R Dr. Chittaranjan Nayak, Secretary, Dr. Aurobindo Behera, President, Dr. Dharmabrata Mohapatra, Vice President, Dr. Lipishree Das, Treasurer

Memory Lane

1955-1956 Batch

1959-1960 Batch

1966-1967 Batch

1985-1986 Batch