Electronic resources such as e-journals, e-databases, e-books etc. made available by the Central Library, are for academic use.
These resources can be searched, browsed and material may be downloaded and printed as single copies of articles as is done in the case of printed library material. Downloading or printing of a complete book or an entire issue or a volume of one or more journals (called systematic downloading) is strictly prohibited. Use of robots, spiders or intelligent agents to access, search and/or systematically download from these resources is also prohibited.
Any violation of this policy will result in penal action as per the rules and regulations of the Institute.
1.E-shodh sindhu
Policy of E-Resources:
Kanika Library has framed e-resource development. Major issues considered in the policy are as:
- Infrastructure and equipment for effective use of e-resources
- Provision of supporting staff for maintaining e-resources
- Digitization of PhD thesis of Ravenshaw University
- Digitization of rare collection and Ravenshavian magazine
- Preservation of e-resources
Future plans for next five years
- Construction of an annex building with a floor space of 16,0000sq.ft adjacent to Centenary Library Building to mitigate acute shortage of space to accommodate new books.
- Digitization of reading materials as per the norms of copyright and IPR etc.
- Preparation of Institutional repository.
- Organization of seminars, conference and workshops related to information technology and library.