The University has provision for joining NCC for Boys & Girls. The selection to the NCC is made after a thorough medical examination. Each student admitted to the N.C.C. is required to attend parades which are held on Sundays. The parades begin from the first week of August and continue till the end of December. N.C.C. Cadets are provided with the full uniform and are given free refreshment at the end of each parade. To ensure the cleanliness of their uniform, cadets are paid a washing allowance. N.C.C. training programme includes Map Reading, Field Craft, Drill/ weapon (Rifle) Training and firing at the Firing Camp.. The Youth Exchange Programme is thrilling experience for N.C.C. Cadets. Six countries are part of this programme. At the end of the training period, ‘B’ & ‘C’ Certificates Examination are held every year. Some good N.C.C. Cadets are sent for advanced leadership course, mountainry course, Republic Day camps etc. NCC program begins in August and ends with the certificate exams held in february every year. Our NCC cadets have won many accolades and laurels in shooting, firing, and drill and line competitions. NCC cadets also attend Republic Day campus.
Naval wing:
The aim of naval wing training is to give exposure to the cadets to various facets of navy and motivate cadets to join Indian navy as a platform. ANO Lt. Sashikanta Barik (NAVAL officer In Charge)
Armoured Wing:
ANO Lt. Dr. Gyanaranjan Swain (Armoured officer In Charge)
Arty Barty Wing:
ANO Lt. Akshya Sahoo (ARTY BARTY Officer In Charge)
Infantry Wing:
ANO Lt. L. Champaty (Infantry Officer In Charge)