
Annual Get-Together of Alumni Association (BARC) - 2020

Delegates, Invitees and Participants of the National Conference, ETPSR 2020

Second Prof. Pranakrushna Parija Memorial Lecture’ on 19th March 2019; Prof. Akhilesh K. Tyagi, University of Delhi delivered the memorial lecture.

Sixth Professor Satya.N. Patnaik Memorial Lecture’ on 11th September 2019. Prof. L.C. Rai, Life Time Professor, Centre of Advance Studies in Botany, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi delivered the memorial lecture.

‘National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Plant Science Research (ETPSR 2020)’ during 01-03 March 2020. The conference was inaugurated by Prof. Ling Yuan, University of Kentucky, USA in the presence of nearly 400 delegates and invitees.