
Hosted Indian Sociology Conference December 27-29 , 2010. A three Day Event comprising 103 Technical Sessions, 3 Symposiums and participation of 1500 Delegates

Symposium On Geopolitics, Convivialism And Terrorism by Prof. Fredrick Vandenberghe, Sociology ,IESP Brazil ,19 Jan 2015.

One-day Sensitization Programme on Prevention of Violence against Woman and Girl Child in Ravenshaw University campus, Cuttack on 16th September 2019 in collaboration with SAKHI - One Stop Centre (A project by Govt of India), BhubAaneswar

National Seminar on Frontiers of Development Practices In India APRIL 13-14, 2013. A 2-Day Events with participation of 85 Delegates in 8 Technical Sessions.

National Seminar On Reconstructing Development And Its Discontents In India: Problems, Paradoxes And Posibilities 14-15 NOV, 2015. A 2-Day Event comprising 10 Technical Sessions with participation of 70 Delegates.

National Symposium on Gender, Transgender and Beyond, Jan 2020.

National Symposium on Gender, Transgender and Beyond, Jan 2020.