Research Areas

The Department of Physics provides students opportunities to pursue their research over a wide range of fields. The Department has collaborated with several national and international institutes and its faculty currently are doing research in front-line areas such as Theoretical High Energy Physics, Nuclear Astrophysics, Plasma Physics and Condensed matter Physics, and their research is being funded by agencies such as SERB, DAE-BRNS and DHE, Government of Odisha.

Some of the current areas of interest of the Department are as follows:

  • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  • Transparent Semiconducting metal oxide thin films
  • Thin film Gas sensors
  • Dielectric materials
  • Battery and supercapacitors
  • Multifunctional nanomaterials
  • Collider Phenomenology (LHC Physics)
  • NRQCD, top quark and Higgs Physics
  • Neutrinos at colliders