Ravenshaw University Teachers' Association (RUTA)

Aims & Objectives

  1. To work along with the administration and the students to make the University an institution of repute;
  2. To promote academic and professional interests of the members;
  3. To safeguard their professional interests and to secure satisfactory conditions of work and service;
  4. To establish and enforce a professional code of conduct for the teachers;
  5. To promote healthy relationships between teachers and teachers, between teachers and students, between teachers and university administration, and between teachers and other sections of the community;
  6. To promote social and cultural contacts amongst its members;
  7. To secure the professional growth of teachers through refresher courses, seminars, publications, library service and research;
  8. To work for the improvement of education in response to the challenge of the ever-changing socioeconomic situation;
  9. To improve the teaching of subjects through the establishment of subject-teachers’ Association, online groups on relevant subjects;
  10. To establish contact with other organisations with similar aims and objectives;
  11. To arrange conferences and organise discussions, symposia from time to time, with a view to augment literary and intellectual pursuits of the fraternity;
  12. To launch cultural activities in order to foster the spirit of co-operation among the members of the teaching profession, and;
  13. To undertake and organise such activities as may be deemed necessary and proper for the attainment of the aforesaid aims and objectives.

Present Office Bearers

President: Dr. Dharamabrata Mohapatra

Vice-president: Dr. Netaji Abhinandan

Secretary: Dr. Patitapaban Das

Asst. Secretary: Dr. Sibasankar Sahoo

Treasurer: Dr. Bhagabat Behera

Executive Members

Dr. Ranjana Bajpeyee

Dr. B. C. Das 

Dr. Manoj Kumar Das

Dr. Purnendu Padhi

Dr. Jajati Nayak

Dr. Nihar Ranjan Singh

Dr. Dwitikrushna Behera

Dr. Abhisek Sharma
