IPR Cell

Government of India framed the National IPR Policy of 2016 to establish a holistic atmosphere, conducive to exploiting the full potential of IP for social, economic and cultural development. A step in  this  direction  has  been  taken  by  instituting  a  Patent  Information  Centre (PIC)  under  the  aegis  of  the Odisha State Council on Science & Technology Department by Government of Odisha that facilitated the establishment of Intellectual Propperty Right Cells at different State funded Universities. Ravenshaw University Intellectual Property Rights Cell (RUIPR Cell) was established on 15th November, 2018 with a vision to develop human resource in the management of Intellectual Property Rights as an integral part of the innovation process and the innovation value chain in the University. Several patent, copyright and industrial design applications have been filed based on the innovations done at Ravenshaw University. The Cell is gradually building IPR consciousness and organizing several IPR awareness and implementation programmes in the University Campus.  A key objective of this Cell is to integrate IPR with the education process to enhance the quality of thinking, propagate a culture of regard and respect for IPR and ensure speedy and accurate identification and protection of innovations arising out of the research work carried out in the University. Also, the Cell shall focus on bridging the gaps between the industry and the academia for technology sharing and mutual research.

The  term  intellectual  property  reflects  the  idea  that  this  subject  matter  is  the product of the mind or the intellect, and that Intellectual Property rights may be protected at law in the same way as any  other  form  of  property.  Intellectual  property  laws vary  from  jurisdiction  to jurisdiction,  such  that  the  acquisition,  registration  or  enforcement  of  IP  rights  must  be  pursued  or obtained separately in each territory of interest. Intellectual property rights (IPR) can be defined as the rights  given  to  people  over  the  creation  of  their  minds.  They  usually  give  the  creator  an  exclusive right over the use of his/her creations for a certain period of time.

Types of IPRs

  • Patent: Protects Inventions e.g., mobile phone technology, mechanical devices 
  • Copyright: Protects expression of Ideas in tangible form e.g., books, music, software 
  • Trademark: Protects indication of source of goods or services e.g., Pepsi, IBM 
  • Design: Protects outer appearance of a trade article e.g., car designs, phone designs 
  • Geographical Indication:  Protects geographic source  of  goods  e.g., Orissa  Pattachitra, Orissa 
  • Trade Secrets: Protects know-how, non-patentable inventions e.g., Coca-Cola Recipe

Legislations Covering IPRS in INDIA

  • The  Patents  Act,  1970.  The  Patents  Rules,  2003,  The  Intellectual  Property  Appellate  Board (Patents Procedure) Rules, 2010 and The Patents (Appeals and Applications to the Intellectual Property Appellate Board) Rules, 2011.
  • The  Copyright  Act,  1957,  The  Copyright  Rules,  1958  and  International  Copyright  Order, 1999. 
  • The Trade  Marks  Act, 1999, The Trade  Marks  Rules, 2002,  The  Trade  Marks (Applications and  Appeals  to  the  Intellectual  Property  Appellate  Board)  Rules,  2003  and  The  Intellectual Property Appellate Board (Procedure) Rules, 2003 
  • The  Geographical  Indications  of  Goods  (Registration  and  Protection)  Act,  1999  and  The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Rules, 2002 
  • The Designs Act, 2000 and The Designs Rules, 2001 
  • The Semiconductors Integrated Circuits Layout-Design Act, 2000 and The Semiconductors Integrated Circuits Layout-Design Rules, 2001 
  • The Protection  of  Plant varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001 and The Protection  of Plant varieties and Farmers Rights’ Rules, 2003 
  • The Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and The Biological Diversity Rules, 2004 
  • Intellectual Property Rights (Imported Goods) Rules, 2007