Vision and Mission


Founded with the Vision to spread the light of learning, and guided by the motto Jnanameva Shakti (Knowledge is power), Ravenshaw University aims to preserve its position as the “temple of learning”, with a deep knowing that the phrase exists in the vernacular for a reason. The university envisions itself as the one-stop destination for higher education for students from diverse social and economic backgrounds, and will help students to steer their passions towards making the world a better place.
With the aforesaid vision, the University has adopted three main principles – coordination, hierarchy and functional differentiation – to maintain unified goals and vision. With efficient academic governance and quality infrastructure the university targets to produce human resource commensurate with the progress of knowledge at international level. The university realizes the demand of quality higher education and requirement of connectivity between the classroom education and the societal application. It visions to initiate future programmes to impart skills, as demanded by the society and the stake holders and training of applicability.


Being a traditional higher education institution, the university believes in generating scholars in science, social science and language streams. However, with the metamorphosis in the approach to higher education and the demand of the society the university has the mission to create conditions that enables the students to imbibe update knowledge and skills. The university aims to achieve a distinctive global identity in the fields of collaborative practice, extension, resource development and social literacy through:-

  • Encourage participatory governance to make the best use of the potential of students, teachers, administrator and all other, who are directly or indirectly connected to the institution.
  • Facilitate interdisciplinary research by establishing Honeycomb model of research centres, Endowed Chairs and Professorships, and Multipurpose Labs.
  • Develop practice based curriculum to enable students to learn skills.
  • Reach out to alumni for resource mobilization for creation and enhancement of infrastructure and other resources.
  • Create conditions and processes to make the use of the knowledge of alumni with scientific, industrial, cultural and management experience.
  • Institute awards to foster professional excellence as well as fellowships and research support for young scholars and faculty.
  • Internationalization of campus through increased student / faculty exchange programmes with foreign universities.
  • Invite industries to partner with the development and execution of programmes as per requirements and create infrastructure for pilot scale practices.