GC-MS & GC Lab

The GC-MS & GC lab provides facilities for Structural elucidation of organic compounds, study of fragmentation process, Molar mass and structural analysis of small molecules, Flavors, Fragrances, Forensic, Pharmaceuticals, Organic, Chemical, Petrochemicals samples. This facility was created in 2016 out of “FIST” grant of DST, Govt. of India. Since 2016 the Department of Chemistry has been providing GC and GC-MS lab facilities. The lab serves the chemistry faculty as well as other faculties in Ravenshaw. In addition, the lab gives consultation and services to other institutions and agencies like the forensic laboratory of Odisha.

Sample Requirement

5-10 mg of sample in solid or in liquid form

Contact address:
Dr. K. S. K. Varadwaj
Email: svaradwaj@gmail.com
Phone: +91 7205768281