Ravenshaw Journal of Economics
ISSN: 2319-6084

About the Journal

Ravenshaw Journal of Economics is a peer reviewed and referred journal (ISSN: 2319-6084) published annually by the Department of Economics, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack since 2012. The Journal contains research papers on Contemporary issues of development relating to economy, polity and society. The objectives of the journal are manifold: to incorporate the findings of applied, adaptive and action research with policy implications; to disseminate success stories and problem solving techniques of development practitioners, to provide economic analysis of issues pertaining to public policies and government strategies; to depict the current economic thinking on perennial economic problems as well as emerging development dilemma. The emphasis is on empirical and analytical papers, which are insightful and thought-provoking.

Editorial Teams

Chief Editor

Dharmabrata Mohapatra

Associate Professor and Head

Department of Economics

Ravenshaw University


Associate Editors

Chittaranjan Nayak

Assistant Professor

Department of Economics

Lipishree Das

Assistant Professor

Department of Economics

Manoj Kumar Das

Assistant Professor

Department of Economics

Asis Kumar Senapati

Assistant Professor

Department of Economics

Nirupama Tete

Assistant Professor

Department of Economics

Editorial Advisory Board

Prof. Prasanta K. Pattanaik
University of California
Riverside, USA

Prof. Nilakantha Rath
Honourary Fellow
Indian School of Political Economy, Pune

Prof. Pulin B Nayak
Delhi School of Economics,
New Delhi

Prof. Arup Mitra
Institute of Economic Growth
University of Delhi
(North Campus)

Prof. Sushanta Mallick
Queen Mary University of London


The editors invite research papers, quantitative studies, review articles, and critical analysis of contemporary socio-economic issues. Special issues will be brought out on burning topics.

  • Manuscripts should be sent in duplicate to the editor, in a maximum of 25 pages (of A-4 size), typed in 12-point front (Times New Roman) and 1.5-spaced with margin 1” on top, bottom, left and right.
  • Original papers not published and not under review for publication elsewhere should be sent to; a declaration to this effect should accompany the manuscript.
  • The author is required to provide the hard copy as well as soft copy on a CD prepared in MS Word. The soft copy may be e-mailed as an attachment MS-Word File.
  • Manuscripts should be accompanied by an Abstract of less than 150 words.
  • British spellings (Labour not labor, centre not center, organise not organize) should be used.
  • Illustrations, figures, maps, graphs, etc., should be submitted on separate sheets, and should be minimum
  • All notes should be numbered consecutively and appear as end notes
  • References should be numbered consecutively and appear as end notes
  • References should follow the author-date system, eg., Sen.(1994:56) or (Sen,1994;56),
  • The list of references should be in alphabetical order. The style of referencing should be as follows:

For articles with doi

Mcleman, Robert and Barry Smit.(2006), “Vulnerability to climatic Change Hazards and risks: Crop and flood Insurance’, The Canadian Geographer,Vol.50,No2,pp.217-226. doi:10.1037/0096-3445.134.2.25

For articles without doi

  • If downloaded, please give url as follows

Mcleman, Robert and Barry Smit.(2006), “Vulnerability to climatic Change Hazards and risks: Crop and flood Insurance’, The Canadian Geographer,Vol.50,No2,pp.217-226. Retrievedfromhttp://newspressonline.org

  • If not Obtained electronically

Vaidyanathan, A.(1999),Water Resource Management: Institutions and irrigation Development, New Delhi; Oxford.

  • For article or chapter in edited book

O’Neil, J.M.,& Egan, J.(1992).Men’s and women’s gender role journeys: A metaphor for healing, transition, and transformation. In B.R.Wainrib (Ed.), Gender issues across the life cycle (pp.107-123). NY: Springe

Address for Correspondence

The Editor, Ravenshaw Journal of Economics (RJE)
Department of Economics
Ravenshaw University
Cuttack, Odisha, India-753003
E-mail: editorrje@ravenshawuniversity.ac.in
Website: www.ravenshawuniversity.ac.in