
Swati Tirkey


She has earned her Masters from Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, JNU and M.Phil. from Centre for Development Practice and School of Human Studies, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi. She has qualified UGC-NET (2018) and holds the position of Assistant Professor (Stage-I). For her M.Phil. thesis work titled “Communicating Health: (Re)interpreting Illnesses and Cure in the Santal Dishom of Dulki”, she has done Participatory Action Research with the Santal Tribe in understanding the Plurality of Healthcare Systems and their accessibility in a marginalised subaltern community setting, especially focusing on the conflict between Subaltern Therapeutics, and Local Healing Traditions vis-a-vis Biomedicine and how access to each of those pluralist healthcare systems is influenced by the looping effects of the triad of Institutions, Beliefs and Practices, along with seeing the proliferation of nutraceuticals in rural areas as ‘company medicine’ and seeing how a marginalised community in navigating between a pluralist healthcare system communicates and interprets health, illness and cure.